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Ph. M. Kanarev
The Second Edition
Internet Version, Published 28.02.2003
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Translated from Russian by A.I.
( Figures: 107; Tables: 48; physical and chemical equations: 315)
new axiomatic of natural sciences is given in the book; on its basis, quantum physics and
quantum chemistry have been returned to the classical way of development. The first steps
are made on this way, which have led to discovery of the structure of the photon, the
electron, and the principle of the formation of the atomic nuclei, the
atoms and the molecules.
The Planck’s
Law of radiation of perfect blackbody is given on the basis of classical concepts, and the
connection of quantum phenomena with the laws of classical physics is proved.
The application of the new
theoretical results to the solution of practical energy tasks on the basis of plasma
electrolysis of water is shown. Due to this electrolysis, additional heat energy generated as well as hydrogen and oxygen are the
energy containing gases. Cold Nuclear Transmutation of the atomic nuclei of alkaline metals and
the atomic nuclei of the cathode material takes place during plasma electrolysis of water.
The book is intended for
physicists, chemists and other specialists who are seeking the new directions for
understanding the foundations of the micro world and the new energy sources.
Best Regards,
Philipp Kanarev
Ó2003 Kanarev Ph. M.
E-mail: kanphil@mail.kuban.ru
1. Exact Sciences at the Border of Millennia
2. Brief Analysis of the State of Quantum Physics
2.1. General
2.2. The Main Causes of Crisis and the First Steps of Way out
3. Axiomatic of Exact Sciences
3.1. Brief Analysis of the State of the Problem
3.2. Definition of the Notions, which Characterize Primary Elements of the Universe
3.3. Axioms of Natural Science
3.4. Postulates of Natural Science
3.5. Discussion of Results
4. Axiom of Space-Matter-Time Unity
5. Photon Model Search
5.1. Direction of Search
5.2. Photon is a Carrier of Energy and Information
5.3. Photon Model Structure
5.4. Derivation of the Mathematical Models Describing Behaviour of the Photon
5.5. Kinematics of the Photon
5.6. On the Way of Electrodynamics of the Photon
5.7. Analysis of Experimental Results
5.8. Analysis of Space of Contortion and the Black Hole Formation
5.9. Analysis of Michelson-Morley Experiments
5.10. Doppler Effect.
5.10.1. General
5.10.2. The Relativistic Interpretation of the Doppler Effect
5.10.3. Classical Interpretation of the Doppler Effect
5.11. Is the Universe Being Expended?
5.12. Brief Conclusion
6. Model of the Electron
6.1. General Data on Electron
6.2. Orbital Motion of the Electron in the atom
6.3. The model of electron is as a ring
6.4. Toroidal Model of the Electron
7. The Law of the Radiation of the Perfect Blackbody is the Law of Classical Physics
7.1. General .
7.2. Theoretic part
7.3. Classical Derivation of the Law of the Radiation of the Perfect Blackbody
8. Theory of Spectra of the Atoms and the Ions
8.1. Spin of the Photon and the Electron
8.2. Calculation of the Spectrum of Hydrogen Atom
8.3. Calculation of the Spectra of Hydrogen-like Atoms
8.4. Calculation of the Spectrum of Helium Atom
8.5. Calculation of the Spectrum of Lithium Atom
8.6. Calculation of the Spectrum of Beryllium Atom
8.7. Calculation of the Spectrum of the First Boron Atom
8.8. Spectra of Valence Electrons of Some Atoms of Chemical Elements
8.9. The New Interpretation of Photo effect
9. Models of Atomic Nuclei of Chemical Elements
9.1. General Data on Atomic Nuclei
9.2. On Model of the Proton
9.3. On Model of the Neutron
9.4. Diagrams of Nuclei of Hydrogen Atom
9.5. Diagrams of Nuclei of Helium Atom
9.6. Structure of Nucleus of Lithium Atom
9.7. Structure of Nucleus of Beryllium Atom
9.8. Diagram of Nucleus of Boron Atom
9.9. Diagrams of Nucleus of Carbon Atom
9.10. Structure of Nucleus of Nitrogen Atom
9.11. Structure of Nucleus of Oxygen Atom
9.12. Diagram of Nucleus of Fluorine Atom
9.13. Diagram of Nucleus of Neon Atom
9.14. Diagram of Nucleus of Sodium Atom
9.15. Diagram of Nucleus of Magnesium Atom
9.16. Structure of Nucleus of Aluminium Atom
9.17. Structure of Nucleus of Silicon Atom
9.18. Structure of Nucleus of Phosphorus Atom
9.19. Structure of Nucleus of Sculpture Atom
9.20. Structure of Nucleus of Chlorine Atom
9.21. Structure of Nucleus of Argon Atom
9.22. Structure of Nucleus of Potassium Atom
9.23. Structure of Nucleus of Calcium Atom
9.24. Structure of Nucleus of Scandium Atom
9.25. Structure of Nucleus of Titanium Atom
9.26. Structure of Nucleus of Vanadium Atom
9.27. Structure of Nucleus of Chromium Atom
9.28. Structure of Nucleus of Manganese Atom
9.29. Structure of Nucleus of Iron Atom
9.30. Structure of Nucleus of Cobalt Atom
9.31. Structure of Nucleus of Nickel Atom
9.32. Structure of Nucleus of Copper Atom
9.32. Brief Conclusions
10. Models of Atoms and Molecules
10.1. General
10.2. Structure of Hydrogen Atom
10.3. Models of Hydrogen Molecule
10.4. Structure of Helium Nucleus and Atom
10.5. Structure of Lithium Atom
10.6. Structure of Beryllium Atom
10.7. Structure of Boron Atom
10.8. Structure of Carbon Atom
10.9. Structure of Nitrogen Atom
10.10. Structure of Oxygen Nucleus and Atom
10.11. Structure of Water Molecule
10.12. Structure of Ammonia Molecule
10.13. Energy Balance of Fusion Process of Molecules of Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Water
10.14. Energetic of Chemical Bonds of the Ozone Molecule
11. New Theory of Electrolysis of Water
11.1. Contradictions of Existing Theory of Electrolysis of Water
11.2. Models of Water Molecules and its Ions
11.3. New Theory of low voltage Process of Water Electrolysis
11.4. Power of Chemical Bonds of Water Molecule
11.5. Clusters and their Binding Energies
12. Plasma Electrolysis of Water
12.1. Plasma Electrolytic Process
12.1.1. Physical Models of the Process
12.1.2. Chemical Model of the Process
12.2. Diagrams of Models of Plasma Electrolytic Reactors
12.3. Laws of Change of Voltage, Current and Power in Power Supply Circuit of Plasma Electrolytic Process
12.4. Protocol of Control Experiments
12.5. Results of Fine Plasma Experiments
12.6. Plasma Electrolytic Reactor as Gas Generator
13. Cold Nuclear Fusion during Electrolysis of Water
14. Water is a Source of Electric Energy
14.1. Common
14.2. Fuel Cell Efficacy
15. Law of Conservation of Moment of Momentum
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Update: 25.04.2003
Prof. Kanarev: The
Foundations of Physchemistry of Microworld
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